Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Q-plore: Its Me

I have realized something that exactly defines me...

"Why" is something I should never try to answer because its too mathematical when I phrase it or its too confusing for other mortals or sometimes it self-contradictory as my friends tell me or sometimes its too weird (even i feel).
like for example-
Why I hate myself so much?
Why is it so unfair for likes of me (smart but ugly, well-cultured but tagged-born)?
Why should someone never come to CMU?
Why do I pursue "IT" with so much determination?
Why her not someone else?

"How" is something I am always good at answering, no matter how much bad is the situation, no matter how low are the chances, I always have solution to "How"... and I almost certainly am always successful in implementing it, I have proven it several times...
How to solve a problem in mathematics and computer science?
How to score in exams?
How to get a job and an internship?
How to get her back, no matter how bad the situation goes?

So I have decided for my life, not to try to answer any of the WHYs as they are not gonna take me anywhere. I am just gonna try to solve the HOWs and be the most successful man you ever know.

God bless elite war elephant and give me strength to be good...
